Hot and humid

Good morning. It is very hot and sunny here in Poole and there is a certain amount of bad temper going on. You have been warned.

Anyway to give you an idea of what is going on here that man was up at 04:30. He has got on with his domestic tasks in the cool of the morning. This has involved ironing, vacuuming and washing the kitchen floor. We are now in the Eyrie catching up on our correspondence waiting for the washing to be done. I have a feeling that it is going to be a long day one way or another.

On Sunday Uncle Tache got going with his new toy-a power washer. The courtyard looks great as we can now see the different colours of the paving stones. The downside is that everything looked a bit grubby as the whole process sent a lot of gunk everywhere. His legs went a lovely shade of black and he had to be hosed down afterwards. Where was that man in all of this I hear you ask. Easy he was safely in the kitchen “supervising” from a safe distance.

Our dynamic duo went to Dorchester on Saturday. Uncle Tache has his hair cut at a very trendy salon and that man goes along for the free cup of tea. Anyway they were strolling up the High Street and found a lovely shop. They went in and suddenly the Pack has expanded. We welcome Branksome and Boscombe. Boscombe is a lovely young pup about town and his big sister has come along to help Millicent the Alpaca keep order. Here is a photo of the pack settling in.

The expanded Pack

The expanded Pack

Time to go I think as other tasks seem to await us.

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